Our Programme Director has been appointed as the Chairwoman of the Committee for Modern Technology and Human Rights.
PCMS participated at the 2024 European Press Prize Award Ceremony in Prague, celebrating quality journalism.
PCMS attended Unlock Resilience in Wartime in Prague, organized by the Prague Civil Society Centre.
PCMS provided expertise to the qualitative research Czech Teachers and Media Education led by Palacký University in Olomouc.
PCMS, EFN and the Arctic University of Norway lead an online expert panel, analyzing tech impact on human rights from diverse multidisciplinary perspectives.
PCMS participated in Norway's TechWatch project, featuring seminars and exchanges with local experts and students.
The recent OSF Foundation session saw Czech librarians and PCMS explore the link between digital exclusion and human rights.
The concluding project symposium focused on understanding the media's reflection and its impact on human rights.
PCMS presented at INSPO Conference, the primary ICT event for individuals with special needs, engaging nearly 300 participants.
PCMS joined discussions on media topics at the 27th Forum 2000 Conference in Prague titled “For a Democratic World Order”.
PCMS participated in a conference addressing accessibility and people with hearing impairments organised by ASNEP and DeafFriendly.
PCMS worked with the Democracy Protection Network initiative to assess the key trends, risks and opportunities for democracy in 2022.
PCMS took part in the international "Media and Ukraine" conference, organized by Czech Public Radio (Český rozhlas) as part of its 100th anniversary celebrations.
PCMS joined a course organised by the Czech Ministry of Defense to equip journalists with the skills needed to work safely in combat or other extreme situations.
Collaboration with Lucie Bihellerová on e-learning against disinformation for the Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA).
PCMS shared its views on media and technology at the "EU Screen 2022 Translating Media Pasts" conference.
Armenian NGO Democracy Today invited PCMS to participate in the 10th international "Women's Shared Security in Our Modern World" conference in Yerevan.
PCMS and its consortium partners presented the results of their survey on digitalisation and people with special needs at the Czech-Norwegian conference "Media and Human Rights in the Digital Age".
PCMS Projects’ Director met with the UN Human Rights Council President Federico Villegas in Prague.
PCMS and its consortium partners conducted qualitative research with people with special needs to assess the impact of technology on their lives.
news and publications
Promoting human rights in the digital era – European Digital Rights (EDRi)
Digitální doba s lidskou tváří | IKSŽ – Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky (cuni.cz)
Média a lidská práva v digitální době | Helpnet
“You’ll find it on the internet.” How digitalisation impacts the lives of people whose voices often go unheard – European Digital Rights (EDRi)
Média a lidská práva v digitální době: kolokvium, 24. 10. 2022 – POSLEPU
Média a lidská práva v digitální době: přihlaste se na kolokvium, které se koná už 24. 10. | Svět Neziskovek (svetneziskovek.cz)
TV Barrandov: Nadstandardně zabezpečený e-mail používá v práci asi třetina novinářů
Médii obchází reflektovaná deprese — Médiář (mediar.cz)
Sítě používá k práci 80 % českých novinářů, čas je hlavní interní tlak | MediaGuru