Earlier news and publications 


  • PCMS contributed to the expert statement of the Network for the Protection of Democracy (June 6, 2024). 
  • Publication of the TechWatch Final Comprehensive Report (April 30, 2024).
  • PCMS engaged in the TechWatch project in Norway, focusing on seminars and knowledge exchange with Norwegian experts and students (February 12-15, 2024).
  • The PCMS Guidebook for Journalists has been thoroughly vetted by experts in journalism and special needs, and human rights (January 22, 2024).
  • Videos from the concluding symposium with subtitles in Czech and English, and Czech Sign Language (January 15, 2024).
  • The concise and practical Guidebook for Journalists, funded by Norway Funds, is now available in English (January 1, 2024).
  • The concluding symposium of the project, supported by Norway Funds, centered on tackling significant digital challenges (December 1, 2023).
  • Launched a live 10-video online course with CZ and ENG subtitles addressing cybersecurity, privacy, accessibility, and algorithmization among other key issues (November 29, 2023).
  • Presented ‘Promoting Human Rights in the Digital Era’ at INSPO Conference (November 25, 2023).
  • PCMS and consortium partners invite you to the final project symposium on Dec 1, 2023. See the press release for details (November 15, 2023).
  • PCMS coordinated guidelines for journalists to enhance their grasp of the impact of technology and digitalization, and to decrease discrimination and human rights abuses (October 18, 2023).
  • Following the 2023 undergraduate course on human rights in the digital age, a set of study texts, including PCMS contributions, was published (July 7, 2023).
  • PCMS produced two instalments of a 2-part video course targeted at media professionals to increase understanding of the impact of digitalisation and new technologies on human rights (June 16, 2023).
  • PCMS released its Annual Report for 2022,  available in both English and Czech (May 15, 2023).
  • As part of its contribution to the “Promoting Human Rights in the Digital Era” project, PCMS gave its third lecture in a series of 13 for undergraduate students of journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, Prague. The lecture focused on the impact of digitalisation and new technologies on human rights (April 26, 2023).
  • Training for humanitarian and media workers in crisis contexts (April 17, 2023)
  • The second PCMS lecture to journalism students at Charles University covered the impact of modern technologies on people with special needs (March 29, 2023).
  • Our opening PCMS lecture at Charles University took place with accessibility specialist  Mariana Chytilova as guest speaker (March 22, 2023).
  • Public presentation of research results from the “Promoting Human Rights in the Digital Era” project (October 14, 2022).